There are 217 total results for your 亂 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
亂 乱 see styles |
luàn luan4 luan ran |
in confusion or disorder; in a confused state of mind; disorder; upheaval; riot; illicit sexual relations; to throw into disorder; to mix up; indiscriminate; random; arbitrary Disturb, perturb, confusion, disorder, rebellion. |
亂世 乱世 see styles |
luàn shì luan4 shi4 luan shih |
the world in chaos; troubled times; (in Buddhism) the mortal world See: 乱世 |
亂丟 乱丢 see styles |
luàn diū luan4 diu1 luan tiu |
to discard in the wrong place (cigarette butts etc); to leave one's things lying around |
亂來 乱来 see styles |
luàn lái luan4 lai2 luan lai |
to act recklessly; to mess around |
亂倒 乱倒 see styles |
luàn dào luan4 dao4 luan tao rantō |
error |
亂倫 乱伦 see styles |
luàn lún luan4 lun2 luan lun |
to violate moral principles; depravity; (esp.) to commit incest; incest |
亂僧 乱僧 see styles |
luàn sēng luan4 seng1 luan seng ransō |
A disorderly monk. |
亂動 乱动 see styles |
luàn dòng luan4 dong4 luan tung |
to fiddle with; to tamper with; to meddle with; to move randomly; to flail about |
亂叫 乱叫 see styles |
luàn jiào luan4 jiao4 luan chiao |
to inconsiderately shout |
亂吃 乱吃 see styles |
luàn chī luan4 chi1 luan ch`ih luan chih |
to eat indiscriminately |
亂善 乱善 see styles |
luàn shàn luan4 shan4 luan shan ranzen |
To disturb the good, confound goodness; the confused goodness of those who worship, etc., with divided mind. |
亂套 乱套 see styles |
luàn tào luan4 tao4 luan t`ao luan tao |
in a mess; upside down |
亂子 乱子 see styles |
luàn zi luan4 zi5 luan tzu |
disturbance; trouble See: 乱子 |
亂寫 乱写 see styles |
luàn xiě luan4 xie3 luan hsieh |
to write without basis |
亂局 乱局 see styles |
luàn jú luan4 ju2 luan chü |
chaotic situation |
亂心 乱心 see styles |
luàn xīn luan4 xin1 luan hsin ran shin |
A perturbed or confused mind, to disturb or unsettle the mind. |
亂性 乱性 see styles |
luàn xìng luan4 xing4 luan hsing ranshō |
confusion |
亂想 乱想 see styles |
luàn xiǎng luan4 xiang3 luan hsiang ransō |
To think confusedly, or improperly. |
亂意 乱意 see styles |
luàn yì luan4 yi4 luan i ran'i |
to confuse the mind |
亂扔 乱扔 see styles |
luàn rēng luan4 reng1 luan jeng |
to throw (something) without due care; (esp.) to litter |
亂抓 乱抓 see styles |
luàn zhuā luan4 zhua1 luan chua |
to claw wildly; to scratch frantically; to arrest people indiscriminately |
亂掉 乱掉 see styles |
luàn diào luan4 diao4 luan tiao |
messed up; in disarray; chaotic |
亂搞 乱搞 see styles |
luàn gǎo luan4 gao3 luan kao |
to make a mess; to mess with; to be wild; to sleep around; to jump into bed |
亂政 乱政 see styles |
luàn zhèng luan4 zheng4 luan cheng |
to corrupt politics |
亂數 乱数 see styles |
luàn shù luan4 shu4 luan shu |
random number See: 乱数 |
亂暴 see styles |
ranbou / ranbo らんぼう |
(out-dated kanji) (adj-na,n,vs) rude; violent; rough; lawless; unreasonable; reckless |
亂民 乱民 see styles |
luàn mín luan4 min2 luan min |
rebels |
亂畫 乱画 see styles |
luàn huà luan4 hua4 luan hua |
to doodle; graffito; doodle |
亂真 乱真 see styles |
luàn zhēn luan4 zhen1 luan chen |
to pass off as genuine; spurious |
亂石 乱石 see styles |
luàn shí luan4 shi2 luan shih |
rocks; stones; rubble; riprap |
亂碼 乱码 see styles |
luàn mǎ luan4 ma3 luan ma |
mojibake (nonsense characters displayed when software fails to render text according to its intended character encoding) |
亂竄 乱窜 see styles |
luàn cuàn luan4 cuan4 luan ts`uan luan tsuan |
to flee in disarray; to scatter |
亂紀 乱纪 see styles |
luàn jì luan4 ji4 luan chi |
to break the rules; to break discipline |
亂花 乱花 see styles |
luàn huā luan4 hua1 luan hua |
to spend recklessly; to waste money See: 乱花 |
亂行 乱行 see styles |
luàn xíng luan4 xing2 luan hsing rangyō |
Disorderly conduct. |
亂視 乱视 see styles |
luàn shì luan4 shi4 luan shih |
astigmatism (medicine) (Tw) |
亂說 乱说 see styles |
luàn shuō luan4 shuo1 luan shuo |
to talk drivel; to make irresponsible remarks |
亂講 乱讲 see styles |
luàn jiǎng luan4 jiang3 luan chiang |
to talk nonsense; nonsense! |
亂識 乱识 see styles |
luàn shì luan4 shi4 luan shih ranjiki |
distracted consciousness |
亂象 乱象 see styles |
luàn xiàng luan4 xiang4 luan hsiang |
chaos; madness |
亂跑 乱跑 see styles |
luàn pǎo luan4 pao3 luan p`ao luan pao |
to run around all over the place |
亂跳 乱跳 see styles |
luàn tiào luan4 tiao4 luan t`iao luan tiao |
to jump about; (of the heart) to beat wildly |
亂道 乱道 see styles |
luàn dào luan4 dao4 luan tao |
see 亂說|乱说[luan4 shuo1] See: 乱道 |
亂麻 乱麻 see styles |
luàn má luan4 ma2 luan ma |
lit. tangled skein; in a tremendous muddle; confused See: 乱麻 |
亂黨 乱党 see styles |
luàn dǎng luan4 dang3 luan tang |
the rebel party |
不亂 不乱 see styles |
bù luàn bu4 luan4 pu luan furan |
undisturbed |
作亂 作乱 see styles |
zuò luàn zuo4 luan4 tso luan saran |
to rebel; to rise in revolt disturbing |
內亂 内乱 see styles |
nèi luàn nei4 luan4 nei luan |
internal disorder; civil strife; civil unrest See: 内乱 |
兵亂 兵乱 see styles |
bīng luàn bing1 luan4 ping luan |
confusion of war; turmoil of war See: 兵乱 |
凌亂 凌乱 see styles |
líng luàn ling2 luan4 ling luan |
messy; disarrayed; disheveled |
劫亂 劫乱 see styles |
jié luàn jie2 luan4 chieh luan kōran |
the kalpa is in the state of disorder and confusion |
動亂 动乱 see styles |
dòng luàn dong4 luan4 tung luan dōran |
turmoil; upheaval; unrest instability and disturbances |
勞亂 劳乱 see styles |
láo luàn lao2 luan4 lao luan rōran |
trouble(s) |
叛亂 叛乱 see styles |
pàn luàn pan4 luan4 p`an luan pan luan |
armed rebellion See: 叛乱 |
喪亂 丧乱 see styles |
sāng luàn sang1 luan4 sang luan |
tragic disaster; disturbance and bloodshed |
嬈亂 娆乱 see styles |
ráo luàn rao2 luan4 jao luan nyōran |
to disturb |
寂亂 寂乱 see styles |
jí luàn ji2 luan4 chi luan jakuran |
tranquility and confusion |
小亂 小乱 see styles |
xiǎo luàn xiao3 luan4 hsiao luan shōran |
slightly distracted |
弄亂 弄乱 see styles |
nòng luàn nong4 luan4 nung luan |
to mess up; to put into disorder; to meddle with; to confuse |
心亂 心乱 see styles |
xīn luàn xin1 luan4 hsin luan shinran |
distraction |
忙亂 忙乱 see styles |
máng luàn mang2 luan4 mang luan |
rushed and muddled |
怯亂 怯乱 see styles |
qiè luàn qie4 luan4 ch`ieh luan chieh luan kōran |
timid and perplexed |
悖亂 悖乱 see styles |
bèi luàn bei4 luan4 pei luan |
to rebel; sedition; to delude; confused |
悶亂 闷乱 see styles |
mēn luàn men1 luan4 men luan monran |
to i deranged |
惑亂 惑乱 see styles |
huò luàn huo4 luan4 huo luan wakuran |
confused |
惱亂 恼乱 see styles |
nǎo luàn nao3 luan4 nao luan nōran |
harsh |
慌亂 慌乱 see styles |
huāng luàn huang1 luan4 huang luan |
frenetic; hurried |
戰亂 战乱 see styles |
zhàn luàn zhan4 luan4 chan luan |
chaos of war |
掉亂 掉乱 see styles |
diào luàn diao4 luan4 tiao luan tōran |
to be agitated |
搗亂 捣乱 see styles |
dǎo luàn dao3 luan4 tao luan |
to disturb; to look for trouble; to stir up a row; to bother sb intentionally |
搞亂 搞乱 see styles |
gǎo luàn gao3 luan4 kao luan |
to mess up; to mismanage; to bungle; to confuse; to muddle |
撩亂 撩乱 see styles |
liáo luàn liao2 luan4 liao luan |
variant of 繚亂|缭乱[liao2 luan4] See: 撩乱 |
擾亂 扰乱 see styles |
rǎo luàn rao3 luan4 jao luan uran |
to disturb; to perturb; to harass scattered |
攪亂 搅乱 see styles |
jiǎo luàn jiao3 luan4 chiao luan |
to disrupt; to throw into disorder |
散亂 散乱 see styles |
sǎn luàn san3 luan4 san luan sanran |
in disorder; messy; Taiwan pr. [san4 luan4] Scattered, dispersed, unsettled, disturbed, restless. |
昏亂 昏乱 see styles |
hūn luàn hun1 luan4 hun luan |
dazed; confused; fuddled |
暴亂 暴乱 see styles |
bào luàn bao4 luan4 pao luan bōran |
riot; rebellion; revolt confused |
淆亂 淆乱 see styles |
xiáo luàn xiao2 luan4 hsiao luan |
to confuse; to befuddle |
淫亂 淫乱 see styles |
yín luàn yin2 luan4 yin luan |
promiscuous See: 淫乱 |
混亂 混乱 see styles |
hùn luàn hun4 luan4 hun luan |
More info & calligraphy: Chaos / Anarchy / Confusion / MayhemSee: 混乱 |
添亂 添乱 see styles |
tiān luàn tian1 luan4 t`ien luan tien luan |
(coll.) to cause trouble for sb; to inconvenience |
濁亂 浊乱 see styles |
zhuó luàn zhuo2 luan4 cho luan jokuran |
Impure and lawless, the reign of evil. |
無亂 无乱 see styles |
wú luàn wu2 luan4 wu luan muran |
not confused |
煩亂 烦乱 see styles |
fán luàn fan2 luan4 fan luan bonran |
anxious; agitated to cause confusion |
狂亂 狂乱 see styles |
kuáng luàn kuang2 luan4 k`uang luan kuang luan kyōran |
hysterical confusion |
猖亂 猖乱 see styles |
chāng luàn chang1 luan4 ch`ang luan chang luan |
wild and disorderly |
癡亂 癡乱 see styles |
chī luàn chi1 luan4 ch`ih luan chih luan chiran |
bewildered |
矯亂 矫乱 see styles |
jiǎo luàn jiao3 luan4 chiao luan kyōran |
confusion |
禍亂 祸乱 see styles |
huò luàn huo4 luan4 huo luan |
calamity and chaos; devastating disorder; great turmoil |
紊亂 紊乱 see styles |
wěn luàn wen3 luan4 wen luan |
disorder; chaos See: 紊乱 |
紛亂 纷乱 see styles |
fēn luàn fen1 luan4 fen luan |
numerous and disorderly |
繚亂 缭乱 see styles |
liáo luàn liao2 luan4 liao luan |
dazzled; confused |
胡亂 胡乱 see styles |
hú luàn hu2 luan4 hu luan koran |
careless; reckless; casually; absent-mindedly; at will; at random; any old how Disorderly, without order. |
蓬亂 蓬乱 see styles |
péng luàn peng2 luan4 p`eng luan peng luan hōran |
matted (of straw or hair); unkempt; overgrown; scraggly; thatch disheveled |
變亂 变乱 see styles |
biàn luàn bian4 luan4 pien luan |
turmoil; social upheaval |
迷亂 迷乱 see styles |
mí luàn mi2 luan4 mi luan meiran |
confusion confusion in the mind due to afflictions |
錯亂 错乱 see styles |
cuò luàn cuo4 luan4 ts`o luan tso luan sakuran |
in disorder; deranged (mentally) unequal |
雜亂 杂乱 see styles |
zá luàn za2 luan4 tsa luan zōran |
in a mess; in a jumble; chaotic chaotic |
離亂 离乱 see styles |
lí luàn li2 luan4 li luan |
social upheaval caused by war or famine etc |
零亂 零乱 see styles |
líng luàn ling2 luan4 ling luan |
in disorder; a complete mess |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "亂" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.