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Search Results for Japanese Woman

Gallery Price: $58.00

Your Price: $32.00

Gallery Price: $90.00

Your Price: $49.88

Japanese Woman

Custom Japanese Woman Calligraphy Scrolls...

These 31 Japanese Woman titles can be completely customized and delivered in several weeks. Prices vary widely depending on the calligrapher and other custom options you chose.

Woman of Strong Character / Woman Hero

女傑 can mean brave woman, heroine, lady of character, distinguished woman, outstanding woman, and sometimes prominent...

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Strong-Minded Woman

烈婦 is a Japanese title for a strong-minded woman, virtuous woman, or heroin.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Strong and Beautiful

We don't really have a word like 健美 in English, but these two characters create a word that means “strong and beautiful.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Wise Woman

賢女 is a Japanese title for a wise woman or clever lady.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Whore / Mysterious Woman

玄人 literally means “Mysterious Person/Woman.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Wise Woman

淑女 is an ancient title for a wise and virtuous woman or lady

In Japan, this can be a female given name, Kiyome.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Beautiful Woman Proverb

沈魚落雁 is an old proverb that literally means “fish sink, goose alights.

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Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88

Woman’s Association

婦人會 is a Japanese title for women's group or association.

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Typical price range:
$47.88 - $86.88

Girl Power / Woman Power

This can be read as “girl power,” “woman power,” “women empowerment” or “female strength.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Beauty / Beautiful / Handsome

美 is often used to describe the beauty of a woman.

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Typical price range:
$39.88 - $78.88

Phoenix (female)

凰 is another simple way to write “Phoenix” in Chinese.

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Typical price range:
$39.88 - $78.88


女王 is one way to write queen in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88


愚女 is a humble title for “daughter” in Japanese.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Beauty / Beautiful Princess

媛 means, a beauty; beautiful (woman); princess; a young lady of noble birth; girl; small & lovely.

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Typical price range:
$39.88 - $78.88


女神 is Goddess from English or Dea from Latin in both Chinese and Japanese.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Person of Character

人格者 is a Japanese and Korean title that means “person of character.

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Typical price range:
$47.88 - $86.88

Love and Affection

愛情 is a universal word in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese which means love and affection.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88


芸者 is the real basis for the way we spell geisha.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Holy Man / Saint

聖人 can mean saint, sage, or holy man.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88


巨人 can mean giant or great person (great man or woman) in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Mistress / Concubine / Servant

妾 is the most simple way to say concubine or mistress in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

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Typical price range:
$39.88 - $78.88

Sweet / Sweetness / Charm

甘味 is sweet or sweetness in Chinese characters, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Dark Sister

黑闇女 is a Buddhist title that means “dark sister,” “dark one,” or “dark woman.

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Typical price range:
$47.88 - $86.88

I Love You / Aishiteru

It's very uncommon (some will say taboo) to say “I love you” in Japanese culture.

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Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88

Extreme Faithfulness

貞烈 is the Japanese Kanji for “Extreme Faithfulness.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Younger Sister

妹 is the single character title for a younger sister.

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Typical price range:
$39.88 - $78.88


木蘭 is a general term for the magnolia (magnolia liliflora) or lily magnolia in Chinese and Japanese.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Sexy / Voluptuous

妖艶 means sexy, fascinating, voluptuous, or bewitching in Japanese Kanji.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88

Adoring Love

愛慕 means “adoring love” in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88


Beyond benevolence, 仁 can also be defined as “charity” or “mercy” depending on context.

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Typical price range:
$39.88 - $78.88


皇后 is the title of empress/emperess, the female form of the emperor.

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Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88