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Mandarin Chinese information.
Old Wade-Giles romanization used only in Taiwan.
Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 290 total results for your example search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


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bù shī
    bu4 shi1
pu shih

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Dana: Almsgiving and Generosity
Dana (Buddhist practice of giving)
(n,vs,vi) (1) {Buddh} alms-giving; charity; (n,vs,vi) (2) {Buddh} offerings (usu. money) to a priest (for reading sutras, etc.); (surname) Fuho
dāna 檀那; the sixth pāramitā, almsgiving, i. e. of goods, or the doctrine, with resultant benefits now and also hereafter in the forms of reincarnation, as neglect or refusal will produce the opposite consequences. The 二種布施 two kinds of dāna are the pure, or unsullied charity, which looks for no reward here but only hereafter; and the sullied almsgiving whose object is personal benefit. The three kinds of dāna are goods, the doctrine, and courage, or fearlessness. The four kinds are pens to write the sutras, ink, the sutras themselves, and preaching. The five kinds are giving to those who have come from a distance, those who are going to a distance, the sick, the hungry, those wise in the doctrine. The seven kinds are giving to visitors, travellers, the sick, their nurses, monasteries, endowments for the sustenance of monks or nuns, and clothing and food according to season. The eight kinds are giving to those who come for aid, giving for fear (of evil), return for kindness received, anticipating gifts in return, continuing the parental example of giving, giving in hope of rebirth in a particular heaven, in hope of an honoured name, for the adornment of the heart and life. 倶舍論 18.



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jiàn xián sī qí
    jian4 xian2 si1 qi2
chien hsien ssu ch`i
    chien hsien ssu chi

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Learn from Wisdom
see a worthy, think to imitate (idiom, from Analects); emulate the virtuous; Follow the example of a virtuous and wise teacher.



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shēn jiào shèng yú yán jiào
    shen1 jiao4 sheng4 yu2 yan2 jiao4
shen chiao sheng yü yen chiao

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Example is Better than Precept
teaching by example beats explaining in words (idiom); action speaks louder than words

see styles

 rei / re
example; precedent; rule; case; instance
(1) example; instance; illustration; case; (2) precedent; (3) custom; habit; practice; usage; (surname) Kiyosaki
an example

see styles
pattern; model; example
example; model; (surname, given name) Han
Pattern, rule, method.


see styles
shì lì
    shi4 li4
shih li
 jirei / jire
example; exemplar; typical case
(noun - becomes adjective with の) example; precedent; case


see styles
lì jù
    li4 ju4
li chü
 reiku / reku
example sentence
haiku given as an example



see styles
lì zhèng
    li4 zheng4
li cheng
example; case in point
(out-dated kanji) (noun/participle) exemplification; illustration; example
examples and testimony


see styles
fǎn lì
    fan3 li4
fan li
 hanrei / hanre
counterexample; counter-example



see styles
mó fàn
    mo2 fan4
mo fan
model; fine example
exemplar; model; example; pattern



see styles
shì fàn
    shi4 fan4
shih fan
to demonstrate; to show how to do something; demonstration; a model example
(See 垂範) setting an example



see styles
fàn lì
    fan4 li4
fan li
 hanrei / hanre
example; model case

see styles
front; forward; ahead; first; top (followed by a number); future; ago; before; BC (e.g. 前293年); former; formerly
(1) in front (of); before (e.g. a building); (n,adj-no,adv) (2) before; earlier; previously; prior; ago; (minutes) to (the hour); (noun - becomes adjective with の) (3) (the) front; frontal part; fore; head (e.g. of a line); (4) forward; ahead; (5) (in the) presence (of); in front (of someone); (can be adjective with の) (6) previous (e.g. page); prior (e.g. engagement); first (e.g. half); former (e.g. example); (suffix) (7) (after a noun or the -masu stem of a verb) (See 一人前・1) portion; helping; (8) front (of one's body or clothing); breast (of a coat, kimono, etc.); (9) privates; private parts; (10) (colloquialism) criminal record; previous conviction; (a) prior; (personal name) Misaki
pūrva. Before; former, previous; in front.

see styles


Japanese variant of 喻
(personal name) Yui
Illustrate, example; to know 宗因喩q.v. The example (dṛṣṭānta) in a syllogism.

see styles
notice or announcement; list of names; public roll of successful examinees
A placard, list; model, example.

see styles

to give an example
To compare, allegorize; like, resembling; parable, metaphor, simile.

see styles

penal law; variant of 闢|辟[pi4]
false; punish; crime; law; ruler
A prince, sovereign, lord; split; punish, repress; perverse; toady; quiet.

see styles
 ryou / ryo
capacity; quantity; amount; to estimate; abbr. for 量詞|量词[liang4 ci2], classifier (in Chinese grammar); measure word
(n,n-suf) (1) quantity; amount; volume; capacity; portion (of food); (2) (See 度量・1) generosity; magnanimity; tolerance; (3) pramana (means by which one gains accurate and valid knowledge; in Indian philosophy); (surname, female given name) Ryō
pramāṇa. Measure, capacity, length, ability; to measure, deliberate; a syllogism in logic, v. 比量. A syllogism, consisting of 宗 pratijñā, proposition; 因 hetu, reason; 喩 udāharaṇa, example; but the syllogism varies in the number of its avayava, or members. There are other divisions from 2 to 6, e.g. 現量 and 比量 direct or sense inferences, and comparative or logical inferences; to these are added 聖教量 arguments based on authority; 譬喩量 analogy; 義准 postulation, or general assent; and 無體 negation, or non-existence.

see styles
kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble
(n,n-suf) (1) kind; sort; type; class; genus; order; family; (n,n-suf) (2) similar example; parallel; the like; (given name) Rui
Class, species; to classify.


see styles
yī lì
    yi1 li4
i li
 ichirei / ichire
example; an instance
one example


see styles
sān zhī
    san1 zhi1
san chih
 san shi
(三支比量) Three members of a syllogism: pratijñā宗 the proposition, hetu 因 the reason, udāharaṇa 喩the example; cf. 因明.


see styles
 jourei / jore
above example


see styles
pattern; example; model; paragon; mirror; (given name) Kikan


see styles
dài biǎo
    dai4 biao3
tai piao
 daihyou / daihyo
representative; delegate; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4],名[ming2]; to represent; to stand for; on behalf of; in the name of
(noun, transitive verb) (1) representation; representative; delegate; delegation; (noun, transitive verb) (2) exemplification; typification; being representative of; being typical of; representative example; exemplar; model; (3) leader; (4) (abbreviation) (See 代表番号) switchboard number; main number


see styles
sì yù
    si4 yu4
ssu yü
fallacious example; pseudo-example


see styles
 sakurei / sakure
(1) model of writing; example of writing; (2) (See 例文) example sentence (in a dictionary); illustrative sentence


see styles
 karei / kare
good example


see styles
(1) example; (2) simile; metaphor; allegory; fable; parable


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) precedent; example


see styles
lì rú
    li4 ru2
li ju
for example; for instance; such as
it is like


see styles
lì zi
    li4 zi5
li tzu
case; (for) instance; example; CL:個|个[ge4]


see styles
 reibun / rebun
example sentence; illustrative sentence; model sentence


see styles
lì cǐ
    li4 ci3
li tz`u
    li tzu
take this as an example


see styles
lì shì
    li4 shi4
li shih
 reiji / reji
to exemplify
(noun, transitive verb) exemplification; illustrating by example


see styles
 reikai / rekai
(noun, transitive verb) illustration; example


see styles
 reishou / resho
(noun/participle) exemplification; illustration; example



see styles
lì yǔ
    li4 yu3
li yü
 reigo / rego
(lexicography) illustrative phrase; sample word or phrase
illustrative word; example word


see styles
 reisetsu / resetsu
(noun/participle) illustration (using an example)



see styles
lì tí
    li4 ti2
li t`i
    li ti
 reidai / redai
problem or question solved for illustrative purposes in the classroom; practice question (used in preparation for an exam); sample question
example; exercise (for the reader)



see styles
gè lì
    ge4 li4
ko li
specific example; rare instance


see styles
diǎn xíng
    dian3 xing2
tien hsing
 tenkei / tenke
model; typical case; archetype; typical; representative
type; pattern; model; epitome; exemplar; archetype; perfect example



see styles
diǎn fàn
    dian3 fan4
tien fan
model; example; paragon
model; standard; law


see styles
(v5r,vi) to conform to; to be in accordance with; to follow (rule, tradition, example, etc.)


see styles
 kurei / kure
phrase example; haiku example


see styles
zhǐ yǒu
    zhi3 you3
chih yu
only have ...; there is only ...; (used in combination with 才[cai2]) it is only if one ... (that one can ...) (Example: 只有通過治療才能痊愈|只有通过治疗才能痊愈[zhi3 you3 tong1 guo4 zhi4 liao2 cai2 neng2 quan2 yu4] "the only way to cure it is with therapy"); it is only ... (who ...) (Example: 只有男性才有此需要[zhi3 you3 nan2 xing4 cai2 you3 ci3 xu1 yao4] "only men would have such a requirement"); (used to indicate that one has no alternative) one can only (do a certain thing) (Example: 只有屈服[zhi3 you3 qu1 fu2] "the only thing you can do is give in")


see styles
tóng yù
    tong2 yu4
t`ung yü
    tung yü
an example using similarity


see styles
(1) example; (2) simile; metaphor; allegory; fable; parable


see styles
yù yī
    yu4 yi1
yü i
 yu e
The subject of the example, e.g. a vase, or bottle; as contrasted with 喩體 the predicate, e.g. (the vase) is not eternal.


see styles
yù rú
    yu4 ru2
yü ju
for example



see styles
yù guò
    yu4 guo4
yü kuo
fallacy concerning the example



see styles
yù tǐ
    yu4 ti3
yü t`i
    yü ti
substance of the example


see styles
yīn míng
    yin1 ming2
yin ming
 inmyou / inmyo
(See 五明) hetuvidya (ancient Indian logic for determining right from wrong, truth from falsehood, etc.)
Hetuvidya, 醯都費陀, the science of cause, logical reasoning, logic, with its syllogistic method of the proposition, the reason, the example. The creation of this school of logic is attributed to Akṣapāda, probably a name for the philosopher Gautama (not Śākyamuni). The 因明論 or Hetu-vidyā-śāstra is one of the 五明論 pañcavidya-śāstras, a treatise explaining causality, or the nature of truth and error.



see styles
chuí fàn
    chui2 fan4
ch`ui fan
    chui fan
(n,vs,vi) setting an example
to set an example


see styles
 kourei / kore
good example



see styles
xué yàng
    xue2 yang4
hsüeh yang
to follow suit; to imitate sb's example


see styles
 jitsurei / jitsure
example; illustration; precedent



see styles
shí lì
    shi2 li4
shih li
actual example; living example; illustration; demonstration; (computing) instance
subject of the example



see styles
dài tóu
    dai4 tou2
tai t`ou
    tai tou
to take the lead; to be the first; to set an example


see styles
yǐn lì
    yin3 li4
yin li
 inrei / inre
(noun, transitive verb) quotation; referring to precedent
cite an example


see styles
(1) reference; comparison; example; (2) inquiry; enquiry; (3) witness; being involved in a court case; deal


see styles
yǐn pì
    yin3 pi4
yin p`i
    yin pi
cites an example


see styles
dé zhì
    de2 zhi4
te chih
rule by virtue; rule by setting virtuous example (Confucian ideal)


see styles
 akurei / akure
bad example; bad precedent


see styles
gǎn huà
    gan3 hua4
kan hua
corrective influence; to reform (a criminal); redemption (of a sinner); to influence (a malefactor to a better life); to guide sb back to the right path by repeated word and example
(noun, transitive verb) influence (on someone); inspiration


see styles
(1) model; (good) example; exemplar; paragon; (2) model handwriting; model drawing; copybook



see styles
shǒu jì
    shou3 ji4
shou chi
sb's original handwriting or painting
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) handwriting; (2) calligraphy specimen; example of penmanship; holograph; (surname) Teato


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) handwriting; (2) calligraphy specimen; example of penmanship; holograph


see styles
(1) collection of handwriting (usu. old); (2) model; example


see styles
 kyorei / kyore
(n,vs,vi) giving an example; illustration


see styles
(noun/participle) (obsolete) presenting (a reason, explanation, example, etc.); showing; giving


see styles
tí shì
    ti2 shi4
t`i shih
    ti shih
 teiji / teji
to point out; to remind (sb of something); to suggest; suggestion; tip; reminder; notice
(noun, transitive verb) (1) presentation (of a passport, ID, etc.); showing; production (e.g. of documents); (noun, transitive verb) (2) presentation (of a plan, response, etc.); bringing up; citing (an example)


see styles
xiào yóu
    xiao4 you2
hsiao yu
to follow a bad example


see styles
xiào fǎ
    xiao4 fa3
hsiao fa
to imitate; to follow the example of


see styles
jiào jī
    jiao4 ji1
chiao chi
The vestiges, or evidences of a religion; e.g, the doctrines, institutions, and example of the teachings of Buddha and the saints.


see styles
 shinrei / shinre
new example (precedent)


see styles
àn lì
    an4 li4
an li
case (of fraud, hepatitis, international cooperation etc); instance; example; CL:個|个[ge4]


see styles
kǎi mó
    kai3 mo2
k`ai mo
    kai mo
model; example



see styles
bǎng yàng
    bang3 yang4
pang yang
example; model; CL:個|个[ge4]



see styles
biāo bīng
    biao1 bing1
piao ping
parade guards (usually spaced out along parade routes); example; model; pacesetter



see styles
biāo běn
    biao1 ben3
piao pen
 hyouhon / hyohon
specimen; sample; the root cause and symptoms of a disease
(1) specimen; sample; (2) (classic) example; type; (3) {stat} sample


see styles
 moyou / moyo
(1) pattern; figure; design; (2) state; condition; (3) conjecture of the current situation; the way it seems; (4) model; pattern; example; (5) (after a noun) indicates that something seems likely (e.g. rain or storm); (6) {go} framework; territorial framework; moyo



see styles
yàng lì
    yang4 li4
yang li
sample; model; example



see styles
yàng bǎn
    yang4 ban3
yang pan
template; prototype; model; example


see styles
(See 殷鑑遠からず) past example serving as a warning


see styles
bǐ rú
    bi3 ru2
pi ju
for example; for instance; such as


see styles
bǐ liang
    bi3 liang5
pi liang
 hiryou / hiryo
to measure roughly (with the hand, a stick, string etc)
(noun/participle) (1) comparison; (2) {Buddh} Pramana; epistemology
Comparison and inference; it is defined as 比 comparison of the known, and 量 inference of the unknown. It is the second form in logic of the three kinds of example, 現, 比 and 聖教量, e. g. the inference of fire from smoke.


see styles
(v5r,vi) to conform to; to be in accordance with; to follow (rule, tradition, example, etc.)


see styles
fǎ yú
    fa3 yu2
fa yü
principle and example


see styles
 asaji; asaji
    あさじ; あさぢ
(often used in literature as an example of a bleak landscape) (See 茅・ちがや) sparsely growing cogon grass; short cogon grass; (surname, female given name) Asaji


see styles
shè shì
    she4 shi4
she shih
to be involved in the matter (Example: 涉事三人[she4 shi4 san1 ren2], the three people involved); (archaic) to recount the events



see styles
wéi lì
    wei2 li4
wei li
used in the construction 以...為例|以...为例, "to take ... as an example"


see styles
tè lì
    te4 li4
t`e li
    te li
 tokurei / tokure
special case; isolated example
special case; exception


see styles
(idiom) (See 犬猿の仲) cats and dogs (as an example of a bad relationship); dogs and monkeys


see styles
 sotsuyuu / sotsuyu
(noun/participle) following (a precedent, former example, etc.)



see styles
xiàn yú
    xian4 yu2
hsien yü
A comparison consisting of immediate facts, or circumstances.


see styles
 yourei / yore
example; illustration



see styles
lüè jǔ
    lu:e4 ju3
lu:e chü
some cases picked out as example; to highlight



see styles
yì pǐn
    yi4 pin3
i p`in
    i pin
Of different order, or class.



see styles
yì yù
    yi4 yu4
i yü
negative example


see styles
(1) finest example; the best (of); (2) (orig. meaning) white eyebrows; (given name) Hakubi

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "example" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary