Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Mandarin Chinese information.
Old Wade-Giles romanization used only in Taiwan.
Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 5119 total results for your search. I have created 52 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 ooganikkunouhou / ooganikkunoho
(See 有機農業) organic farming


see styles
 gureshamunohousoku / gureshamunohosoku
(See 悪貨は良貨を駆逐する) Gresham's Law ("when there is a legal tender currency, bad money drives good money out of circulation")


see styles
 kobarutoshousharyouhou / kobarutoshosharyoho
cobalt radiation therapy


see styles
 shinpurekkusuhou / shinpurekkusuho
{comp} simplex method


see styles
 jakkunaifuhou / jakkunaifuho
{comp} jackknife method; jackknifing


see styles
 sukyanrainhou / sukyanrainho
{comp} scanline algorithm


see styles
 sutookusunohousoku / sutookusunohosoku
(exp,n) {physics} Stokes' law


see styles
 domorugannohousoku / domorugannohosoku
de Morgan's laws


see styles
 nyurunberukuhou / nyurunberukuho
(hist) Nuremberg Laws


see styles
 pyuurekkusuhou / pyurekkusuho
PUREX process


see styles
 faradeenohousoku / faradeenohosoku
(exp,n) {physics} Faraday's law


see styles
 fehinaanohousoku / fehinanohosoku
Fechner's law


see styles
 furemingunohousoku / furemingunohosoku
(exp,n) Fleming's rules (Fleming's left-hand rule and Fleming's right-hand rule)


see styles
 furonhaishutsuyokuseihou / furonhaishutsuyokuseho
{law} Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons


see styles
 berukumannohousoku / berukumannohosoku
(exp,n) {biol} Bergmann's rule


see styles
 horumonhojuuryouhou / horumonhojuryoho
hormone replacement therapy


see styles
 pojitorondansouhou / pojitorondansoho
positron emission tomography; PET


see styles
 poorandohyoukihou / poorandohyokiho
{comp} prefix notation; Polish notation; parenthesis-free notation; Lukasiewicz notation


see styles
 massaajiryouhoushi / massajiryohoshi
massage therapist


see styles
 maafiinohousoku / mafinohosoku
Murphy's Law ("Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong")


see styles
 raitohandosouhou / raitohandosoho
{music} tapping (playing technique; on a guitar, etc.)


see styles
 randamaizugihou / randamaizugiho
{comp} randomizing technique



see styles
yī qiè fǎ jiè jué dìng zhì yìn
    yi1 qie4 fa3 jie4 jue2 ding4 zhi4 yin4
i ch`ieh fa chieh chüeh ting chih yin
    i chieh fa chieh chüeh ting chih yin
 issai hokkai ketsujōchi in
The "true word' of assurance of Vairocana and of all the eight classes of beings, as the symbol through which all may attain the sure Buddha-wisdom.



see styles
sān shì shí yǒu fǎ tǐ héng yǒu
    san1 shi4 shi2 you3 fa3 ti3 heng2 you3
san shih shih yu fa t`i heng yu
    san shih shih yu fa ti heng yu
 sanze jitsuu hōtai gōu
the three times are real, as are the essences of phenomena


see styles
sān shì shí yǒu fǎ tǐ héng yǒu
    san1 shi4 shi2 you3 fa3 ti3 heng2 you3
san shih shih yu fa t`i heng yu
    san shih shih yu fa ti heng yu
The Sarvāstivadah school maintains that as the three states (past, present, future) are real, so the substance of all things is permanent; i.e. time is real, matter is eternal.



see styles
sān shí qī zhǒng pú tí fēn fǎ
    san1 shi2 qi1 zhong3 pu2 ti2 fen1 fa3
san shih ch`i chung p`u t`i fen fa
    san shih chi chung pu ti fen fa
 sanjūshichishu bodai funhō
thirty-seven factors of enlightenment



see styles
sān guó fó fǎ chuán tōng yuán qǐ
    san1 guo2 fo2 fa3 chuan2 tong1 yuan2 qi3
san kuo fo fa ch`uan t`ung yüan ch`i
    san kuo fo fa chuan tung yüan chi
 Sankoku buppō denzū engi
Sankoku buppō denzū engi



see styles
sān fǎ zhǎn zhuǎn yīn guǒ tóng shí
    san1 fa3 zhan3 zhuan3 yin1 guo3 tong2 shi2
san fa chan chuan yin kuo t`ung shih
    san fa chan chuan yin kuo tung shih
 sanbō tenden inga dōji
three successive phenomena bringing about cause and effect simultaneously



see styles
sān jiè wéi xīn wàn fǎ wéi shì
    san1 jie4 wei2 xin1 wan4 fa3 wei2 shi4
san chieh wei hsin wan fa wei shih
 sankai yuishin manpō yuishiki
the three realms are only mind, and all things are consciousness



see styles
sān zhuǎn fǎ lún shí èr xíng xiàng
    san1 zhuan3 fa3 lun2 shi2 er4 xing2 xiang4
san chuan fa lun shih erh hsing hsiang
 santenbōrin jūni gyōsō
twelve applications in the three turns of the wheel of the law



see styles
shàng gōng shèng dé fǎ wáng dì shuō
    shang4 gong1 sheng4 de2 fa3 wang2 di4 shuo1
shang kung sheng te fa wang ti shuo
 Jōgū Shōtoku Hōō Teisetsu
Jōgū Shōtoku Hōō Teisetsu


see styles
 fukouseinatorihikihouhou / fukosenatorihikihoho
unfair business practice; unfair business practices



see styles
bù kě sī yì jiě tuō fǎ mén
    bu4 ke3 si1 yi4 jie3 tuo1 fa3 men2
pu k`o ssu i chieh t`o fa men
    pu ko ssu i chieh to fa men
 bekarazu gedatsu hōmon
The samādhi, or liberation of mind, that ensures a vision of the ineffable.



see styles
bù sī yì zhēn yán xiāng dào fǎ
    bu4 si1 yi4 zhen1 yan2 xiang1 dao4 fa3
pu ssu i chen yen hsiang tao fa
 fushigi shingon sōdō hō
The practice of the presence of the invisible Dharmakāya in the esoteric word.


see styles
 chuuouhouritsusenmongakkou / chuohoritsusenmongakko
(org) Chuo College of Law; (o) Chuo College of Law


see styles
 hitoomitehouotoku; ninomitehouotoku / hitoomitehootoku; ninomitehootoku
    ひとをみてほうをとく; にんをみてほうをとく
(exp,v5k) (See 人を見て法を説け) to suit one's speech to the audience


see styles
 hitoomitehouotoke; ninomitehouotoke / hitoomitehootoke; ninomitehootoke
    ひとをみてほうをとけ; にんをみてほうをとけ
(expression) (proverb) suit your speech to the audience


see styles
 jinjisoshoutetsuzukihou / jinjisoshotetsuzukiho
{law} Personal Status Actions Procedure Law (e.g. divorce actions)



see styles
fó fǎ dà hǎi xìn wéi néng rù
    fo2 fa3 da4 hai3 xin4 wei2 neng2 ru4
fo fa ta hai hsin wei neng ju
 buppō daikai shini nōnyū
the great ocean of the Buddhist teaching is entered through faith



see styles
fó lín niè pán jì fǎ zhù jīng
    fo2 lin2 nie4 pan2 ji4 fa3 zhu4 jing1
fo lin nieh p`an chi fa chu ching
    fo lin nieh pan chi fa chu ching
 Butsu rin nehan kihōjū kyō
Sūtra of the Abiding Dharma Recorded Just Prior to Buddha's Nirvāṇa


see styles
 sayouhansayounohousoku / sayohansayonohosoku
(exp,n) {physics} (See 運動の法則) action-reaction law; Newton's third law of motion



see styles
xiū xí zhǐ guān zuò chán fǎ yào
    xiu1 xi2 zhi3 guan1 zuo4 chan2 fa3 yao4
hsiu hsi chih kuan tso ch`an fa yao
    hsiu hsi chih kuan tso chan fa yao
 Shushū shikan zazen hōyō
Essentials of Practicing Śamatha and Vipaśyanā Meditation


see styles
 jidouporunokinshihou / jidoporunokinshiho
{law} Act on Regulation and Punishment of Acts Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and the Protection of Children



see styles
rù yī qiè fǎ dì yī yì zhì
    ru4 yi1 qie4 fa3 di4 yi1 yi4 zhi4
ju i ch`ieh fa ti i i chih
    ju i chieh fa ti i i chih
 nyū issai hō daiichigi chi
enters into the cognition of the ultimate truth of all phenomena


see styles
 kouekitsuuhoushahogohou / koekitsuhoshahogoho
whistleblower protection act


see styles
 houkatsutsuushoukyousouryokuhou / hokatsutsushokyosoryokuho
Omnibus Trade and Competition Act


see styles
 genshiryokusongaibaishouhou / genshiryokusongaibaishoho
Atomic Energy Damage Compensation Law (1961)


see styles
 kahenshousuutenhyoujihou / kahenshosutenhyojiho
{comp} variable-point representation system



see styles
shàn fǎ fāng biàn tuó luó ní jīng
    shan4 fa3 fang1 bian4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
shan fa fang pien t`o lo ni ching
    shan fa fang pien to lo ni ching
 Zembō hōben daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Fine Means of Access


see styles
 koteishousuutenhyoujihou / koteshosutenhyojiho
{comp} fixed-point representation system


see styles
 kokuritsukenkyuukaihatsuhoujin / kokuritsukenkyukaihatsuhojin
national research and development agency


see styles
 kokusaikeihoukeimuzaidan / kokusaikehokemuzaidan
(o) International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation


see styles
 kokusaihouteikeiryoukikan / kokusaihotekeryokikan
(org) Organisation internationale de metrologie legale; International Organization of Legal Metrology; OIML; (o) Organisation internationale de metrologie legale; International Organization of Legal Metrology; OIML



see styles
dà shèng pú sà zàng zhèng fǎ jīng
    da4 sheng4 pu2 sa4 zang4 zheng4 fa3 jing1
ta sheng p`u sa tsang cheng fa ching
    ta sheng pu sa tsang cheng fa ching
 Daijō bosatsu zō shōbō kyō
Sūtra of the True Dharma of the Mahāyāna Bodhisattva Canon


see styles
 oosakakeizaihoukadaigaku / oosakakezaihokadaigaku
(org) Osaka University of Economics and Law; (o) Osaka University of Economics and Law


see styles
 koubounimofudenoayamari / kobonimofudenoayamari
(expression) (proverb) Homer sometimes nods; even Kōbō Daishi's handwriting contains mistakes



see styles
cí ēn sì sān zàng fǎ shī zhuàn
    ci2 en1 si4 san1 zang4 fa3 shi1 zhuan4
tz`u en ssu san tsang fa shih chuan
    tzu en ssu san tsang fa shih chuan
 Jonji sanzō hosshi den
Biography of the Tripiṭaka Master of Dacien Temple


see styles
 koutaikakuteruryouhou / kotaikakuteruryoho
{med} antibody cocktail therapy (treatment that uses a mixture of two or more antibody drugs)


see styles
 chuushoutekishikenhouhouron / chushotekishikenhohoron
{comp} abstract testing methodology


see styles
 kyouikukoumuintokureihou / kyoikukomuintokureho
{law} Special Act for Education Personnel


see styles
 assenritokutsumishobatsuhou / assenritokutsumishobatsuho
antigraft law


see styles
 houhourontekikojinshugi / hohorontekikojinshugi
methodological individualism



see styles
yú yī qiè fǎ ér dé zì zài
    yu2 yi1 qie4 fa3 er2 de2 zi4 zai4
yü i ch`ieh fa erh te tzu tsai
    yü i chieh fa erh te tzu tsai
 o issai hō jitoku jizai
attains full mastery over all dharmas



see styles
yú xiàn fǎ dé niè pán yì yào
    yu2 xian4 fa3 de2 nie4 pan2 yi4 yao4
yü hsien fa te nieh p`an i yao
    yü hsien fa te nieh pan i yao
 o genpō toku nehan igyō
the intention to attain nirvāṇa in the present existence


see styles
 nipponkousenryouhoukyoukai / nipponkosenryohokyokai
(org) Japan Phototherapy Associations; (o) Japan Phototherapy Associations


see styles
 nipponkagakuryouhougakkai / nipponkagakuryohogakkai
(org) Japanese Society of Chemotherapy; (o) Japanese Society of Chemotherapy


see styles
 nipponshihoufukushigakkai / nipponshihofukushigakkai
(org) Japan Society of Judicial Social Services; JSJSS; (o) Japan Society of Judicial Social Services; JSJSS


see styles
 nipponkyouikuhouhougakkai / nipponkyoikuhohogakkai
(org) National Association for the Study of Educational Methods; NASEM; (o) National Association for the Study of Educational Methods; NASEM


see styles
 nipponkoudouryouhougakkai / nipponkodoryohogakkai
(org) Japanese Association of Behavior Therapy; JABT; (o) Japanese Association of Behavior Therapy; JABT


see styles
 nipponninchiryouhougakkai / nipponninchiryohogakkai
(org) Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy; JACT; (o) Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy; JACT


see styles
 nipponyuugiryouhougakkai / nipponyugiryohogakkai
(org) Japanese Association of Play Therapy; (o) Japanese Association of Play Therapy



see styles
yǒu fǎ chā bié xiāng wéi yīn guò
    you3 fa3 cha1 bie2 xiang1 wei2 yin1 guo4
yu fa ch`a pieh hsiang wei yin kuo
    yu fa cha pieh hsiang wei yin kuo
 uhō shabetsu sōi in ka
proves the opposite of a specific [aspect of] the subject


see styles
 kakujikikyoumeieizouhou / kakujikikyomeezoho
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging; NMRI


see styles
 minjihouritsufujoseido / minjihoritsufujosedo
civil legal aid system (e.g. legal aid for poor people)


see styles
 fudoushousuutenhyoujihou / fudoshosutenhyojiho
{comp} floating-point (representation) system


see styles
 shouhishashinyouhogohou / shohishashinyohogoho
consumer credit protection act



see styles
wú suǒ cóng shēng bù qǐ fǎ rěn
    wu2 suo3 cong2 sheng1 bu4 qi3 fa3 ren3
wu so ts`ung sheng pu ch`i fa jen
    wu so tsung sheng pu chi fa jen
 mushojūshō fuki hō nin
the acceptance of (the principle of) non-arising


see styles
 netsurikigakunodaiichihousoku / netsurikigakunodaichihosoku
(exp,n) (physics) first law of thermodynamics


see styles
 netsurikigakunodaisanhousoku / netsurikigakunodaisanhosoku
(exp,n) (physics) third law of thermodynamics


see styles
 netsurikigakunodainihousoku / netsurikigakunodainihosoku
(exp,n) (physics) second law of thermodynamics


see styles
 netsurikigakunodaizerohousoku / netsurikigakunodaizerohosoku
(exp,n) (physics) zeroth law of thermodynamics


see styles
 netsurikigakunodaizerohousoku / netsurikigakunodaizerohosoku
(exp,n) (physics) zeroth law of thermodynamics


see styles
 netsurikigakunodaiichihousoku / netsurikigakunodaichihosoku
(exp,n) (physics) first law of thermodynamics


see styles
 netsurikigakunodainihousoku / netsurikigakunodainihosoku
(exp,n) (physics) second law of thermodynamics


see styles
 netsurikigakunodaisanhousoku / netsurikigakunodaisanhosoku
(exp,n) (physics) third law of thermodynamics


see styles
 kantaiheiyouhousoukyoukai / kantaiheyohosokyokai
(o) Inter-Pacific Bar Association



see styles
bǎi sì shí zhǒng bù gòng fó fǎ
    bai3 si4 shi2 zhong3 bu4 gong4 fo2 fa3
pai ssu shih chung pu kung fo fa
 hyakushijū shu fugū buppō
one hundred forty distinctive characteristics of a Buddha


see styles
 hyakunichinoseppouhehitotsu / hyakunichinoseppohehitotsu
(expression) (idiom) (proverb) single mistake which ruins all one's hard work; one blunder rendering a long period of effort useless; one fart in a hundred days of sermons


see styles
 chitekishougaishafukushihou / chitekishogaishafukushiho
{law} Act on Welfare of Mentally Retarded Persons


see styles
 akitakeizaihoukadaigaku / akitakezaihokadaigaku
(org) Akita University of Economics and Law; (o) Akita University of Economics and Law


see styles
dì yī dì èr dì sān fǎ rěn
    di4 yi1 di4 er4 di4 san1 fa3 ren3
ti i ti erh ti san fa jen
 daiichi daini daisan hōnin
first, second, and third levels of attainment of forbearance in regard to the arising of all dharmas


see styles
 beikokusagyouryouhougakkai / bekokusagyoryohogakkai
(o) American Occupational Therapy Association


see styles
 beikokuroudourippoukyoukai / bekokurodorippokyokai
(o) American Association for Labor Legislation


see styles
 beikokuhanikuryouhougakkai / bekokuhanikuryohogakkai
(o) American Endodontic Society; AES



see styles
yuán yú fǎ jiè zì xiàng zuò yì
    yuan2 yu2 fa3 jie4 zi4 xiang4 zuo4 yi4
yüan yü fa chieh tzu hsiang tso i
 eno hokkai jisō sai
the contemplation that takes the self-nature of the realm of existence as referent



see styles
lián hé guó hǎi yáng fǎ gōng yuē
    lian2 he2 guo2 hai3 yang2 fa3 gong1 yue1
lien ho kuo hai yang fa kung yüeh
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea


see styles
 taijiseibetsunohanteihou / taijisebetsunohanteho
determination of a child's sex before birth (e.g. by ultrasound)



see styles
zhì yuán fǎ bǎo kān tóng zǒng lù
    zhi4 yuan2 fa3 bao3 kan1 tong2 zong3 lu4
chih yüan fa pao k`an t`ung tsung lu
    chih yüan fa pao kan tung tsung lu
 Shigan hōbō kandō sōroku
Zhiyuan fabao kantong zonglu


see styles
 eiryoukitaamerikahou / eryokitamerikaho
British North America Act (now known as the Constitution Act 1867)



see styles
wàn fǎ guī yī yī guī hé chù
    wan4 fa3 gui1 yi1 yi1 gui1 he2 chu4
wan fa kuei i i kuei ho ch`u
    wan fa kuei i i kuei ho chu
 manbō ki ichi ichi ki kasho
all things return to the one

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "法" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary