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There are 1788 total results for your chien search. I have created 18 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
è shì chuán qiān lǐ
    e4 shi4 chuan2 qian1 li3
o shih ch`uan ch`ien li
    o shih chuan chien li
evil deeds spread a thousand miles (idiom); scandal spreads like wildfire



see styles
qiān xí jiā huǐ jiè
    qian1 xi2 jia1 hui3 jie4
ch`ien hsi chia hui chieh
    chien hsi chia hui chieh
 kenshaku keki kai
precept against harming others by one's own stinginess (parsimony)



see styles
qiān xí cái fǎ jiè
    qian1 xi2 cai2 fa3 jie4
ch`ien hsi ts`ai fa chieh
    chien hsi tsai fa chieh
 kenshaku zaihō kai
precept against stinginess with one's material assets or with the dharma



see styles
qiān shēng huǐ rù jiè
    qian1 sheng1 hui3 ru4 jie4
ch`ien sheng hui ju chieh
    chien sheng hui ju chieh
 kenshō kijoku kai
precept against harming others by one's own stinginess (parsimony)


see styles
suǒ lì fǎ bù qiǎn
    suo3 li4 fa3 bu4 qian3
so li fa pu ch`ien
    so li fa pu chien
 shoryū hōfuken
unexcluded predicate



see styles
tí mó tài qián shū
    ti2 mo2 tai4 qian2 shu1
t`i mo t`ai ch`ien shu
    ti mo tai chien shu
First epistle of St Paul to Timothy



see styles
dōng fēi dà dì qiàn
    dong1 fei1 da4 di4 qian4
tung fei ta ti ch`ien
    tung fei ta ti chien
Great East African rift valley



see styles
mín zú dà qiān xǐ
    min2 zu2 da4 qian1 xi3
min tsu ta ch`ien hsi
    min tsu ta chien hsi
great migration of peoples



see styles
yè yā qiān jīn dǐng
    ye4 ya1 qian1 jin1 ding3
yeh ya ch`ien chin ting
    yeh ya chien chin ting
hydraulic jack



see styles
qián lì gǔ nán rén
    qian2 li4 gu3 nan2 ren2
ch`ien li ku nan jen
    chien li ku nan jen
man with good prospects



see styles
qián zài wēi xiǎn dù
    qian2 zai4 wei1 xian3 du4
ch`ien tsai wei hsien tu
    chien tsai wei hsien tu
latent hazard



see styles
wū lā tè qián qí
    wu1 la1 te4 qian2 qi2
wu la t`e ch`ien ch`i
    wu la te chien chi
Urat Front banner or Urdyn Ömnöd khoshuu in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia



see styles
wú zhuó zhì xiàn qián
    wu2 zhuo2 zhi4 xian4 qian2
wu cho chih hsien ch`ien
    wu cho chih hsien chien
 mujaku chi genzen
manifestation of unattached cognition


see styles
fù mǔ wèi shēng qián
    fu4 mu3 wei4 sheng1 qian2
fu mu wei sheng ch`ien
    fu mu wei sheng chien
 fumo mishō zen
before your parents were born



see styles
qiān zhe bí zi zǒu
    qian1 zhe5 bi2 zi5 zou3
ch`ien che pi tzu tsou
    chien che pi tzu tsou
to lead by the nose



see styles
xiàn qián xiàn qián wù
    xian4 qian2 xian4 qian2 wu4
hsien ch`ien hsien ch`ien wu
    hsien chien hsien chien wu
 genzen genzen motsu
personal belongings of each monk or nun



see styles
bǎi qiān wàn yì xuán
    bai3 qian1 wan4 yi4 xuan2
pai ch`ien wan i hsüan
    pai chien wan i hsüan
 hyakusenmanoku sen



see styles
huā qián zhǎo zuì shòu
    hua1 qian2 zhao3 zui4 shou4
hua ch`ien chao tsui shou
    hua chien chao tsui shou
to spend money on something that turns out to be unsatisfactory or even disastrous



see styles
wàn bā qiān shì jiè
    wan4 ba1 qian1 shi4 jie4
wan pa ch`ien shih chieh
    wan pa chien shih chieh
 manhassen sekai
The 18,000 easterly worlds lighted by the ray from the Buddha's brows, v. Lotus Sūtra.



see styles
wàn shèng jié qián xī
    wan4 sheng4 jie2 qian2 xi1
wan sheng chieh ch`ien hsi
    wan sheng chieh chien hsi
All Saints' Eve; Halloween



see styles
wàn shèng jié qián yè
    wan4 sheng4 jie2 qian2 ye4
wan sheng chieh ch`ien yeh
    wan sheng chieh chien yeh



see styles
sà zhē ní qián zǐ
    sa4 zhe1 ni2 qian2 zi3
sa che ni ch`ien tzu
    sa che ni chien tzu
 Satsusha Nikenshi



see styles
luó xuán qiān jīn dǐng
    luo2 xuan2 qian1 jin1 ding3
lo hsüan ch`ien chin ting
    lo hsüan chien chin ting
screw jack



see styles
gǎn qián bù gǎn hòu
    gan3 qian2 bu4 gan3 hou4
kan ch`ien pu kan hou
    kan chien pu kan hou
it's better to hurry at the start than to rush later (idiom)



see styles
qiǎn xiāng zhèng xìng shì
    qian3 xiang1 zheng4 xing4 shi4
ch`ien hsiang cheng hsing shih
    chien hsiang cheng hsing shih
 kenshō shōshō shiki
consciousness of expelling phenomena and apprehending true nature



see styles
qiǎn xū cún shí shì
    qian3 xu1 cun2 shi2 shi4
ch`ien hsü ts`un shih shih
    chien hsü tsun shih shih
 kenko zonjitsu shiki
consciousness of expelling the unreal and living in the real


see styles
è tuō kè qián qí
    e4 tuo1 ke4 qian2 qi2
o t`o k`o ch`ien ch`i
    o to ko chien chi
Otog Front banner or Otgiin Ömnöd khoshuu in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia



see styles
jīn qián fēi wàn néng
    jin1 qian2 fei1 wan4 neng2
chin ch`ien fei wan neng
    chin chien fei wan neng
money is not omnipotent; money isn't everything; money can't buy you love



see styles
qiān suān xù diàn chí
    qian1 suan1 xu4 dian4 chi2
ch`ien suan hsü tien ch`ih
    chien suan hsü tien chih
lead-acid accumulator; battery (e.g. in car)



see styles
ā bēi luó hǒu qiàn
    a1 bei1 luo2 hou3 qian4
a pei lo hou ch`ien
    a pei lo hou chien
 a hi ra ku ketsu
a-vi-ra-hūm-kham, (or āḥ-vi-ra-hūm-kham the Shingon 'true word' or spell of Vairocana, for subduing all māras, each sound representing one of the five elements, earth, water, fire, wind (or air), and space (or ether). Also, 阿毘羅吽欠 (or 阿尾羅吽欠 or阿尾羅吽劍 or阿毘羅吽劍); 阿味囉 M020011欠.



see styles
ā pí luó hǒu qiàn
    a1 pi2 luo2 hou3 qian4
a p`i lo hou ch`ien
    a pi lo hou chien
 abiraunken; abiraunken
    あびらうんけん; アビラウンケン
(kana only) {Buddh} (See 大日如来) a-bi-ra-un-ken (mantra directed to Vairocana) (san: a vi ra hūm kham)



see styles
ā wàn lǎn hān qiàn
    a1 wan4 lan3 han1 qian4
a wan lan han ch`ien
    a wan lan han chien
 a ban ran gan ken


see styles
fēi qián hòu fēi dé
    fei1 qian2 hou4 fei1 de2
fei ch`ien hou fei te
    fei chien hou fei te
non-acquisition that is neither prior nor subsequent to the mental factor


see styles
miàn qián zhǐ zhēng lǜ
    mian4 qian2 zhi3 zheng1 lv4
mien ch`ien chih cheng lü
    mien chien chih cheng lü
stopping a litigation by confrontation



see styles
chǐ tiáo qiān jīn dǐng
    chi3 tiao2 qian1 jin1 ding3
ch`ih t`iao ch`ien chin ting
    chih tiao chien chin ting
rack and pinion jack



see styles
yī fēn qián yī fēn huò
    yi1 fen1 qian2 yi1 fen1 huo4
i fen ch`ien i fen huo
    i fen chien i fen huo
you get what you pay for



see styles
yī fēn qián liǎng fēn huò
    yi1 fen1 qian2 liang3 fen1 huo4
i fen ch`ien liang fen huo
    i fen chien liang fen huo
high quality at bargain price


see styles
yī qiān èr bǎi gōng dé
    yi1 qian1 er4 bai3 gong1 de2
i ch`ien erh pai kung te
    i chien erh pai kung te
 issen nihyaku no kudoku
The 1,200 merits or powers of the organs of eye, tongue, and mind predicted in the Lotus Sutra, but, generally, the merits therein predicted to all six organs.


see styles
yī dà sān qiān shì jiè
    yi1 da4 san1 qian1 shi4 jie4
i ta san ch`ien shih chieh
    i ta san chien shih chieh
 ichi dai sanzen sekai
A great chiliocosmos or universe of the three kinds of thousands of worlds. The three 千 are termed 一千; 中千; 大千. A great chiliocosmos is also termed 三千大千世界 q.v. Each world consists of its central mountain Sumeru, surrounded by four continents, its seas being surrounded by a girdle or wall of iron; 1,000 such worlds make a small chiliocosmos; 1,000 of these make a medium chiliocosmos; 1,000 of these make a great chiliocosmos, or 1,000,000,000 worlds. Later Buddhists increased this number to a figure with 4,456,489 digits. It is a Buddha-universe.


see styles
sān qiān dà qiān shì jiè
    san1 qian1 da4 qian1 shi4 jie4
san ch`ien ta ch`ien shih chieh
    san chien ta chien shih chieh
cosmos (Buddhism)
{Buddh} the whole universe (of a billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened
tri-sahasra-mahā-sahasra-loka-dhātu, a great chiliocosm; 三千; 三千界, 三千世界. Mt. Sumeru and its seven surrounding continents, eight seas and ring of iron mountains form one small world; 1, 000 of these form a small chiliocosm 小千世界; 1, 000 of these small chiliocosms form a medium chiliocosm 中千世界; a thousand of these form a great chiliocosm 大千世界, which thus consists of 1, 000, 000, 000 small worlds. The 三千 indicates the above three kinds of thousands, therefore 三千大千世界 is the same as 大千世界, which is one Buddha-world.



see styles
sān qiān dà qiān guó tǔ
    san1 qian1 da4 qian1 guo2 tu3
san ch`ien ta ch`ien kuo t`u
    san chien ta chien kuo tu
 sanzen daisen kokudo
a world system consisting of a triple-thousand great one-thousand worlds



see styles
jù zhī bǎi qiān bèi shù
    ju4 zhi1 bai3 qian1 bei4 shu4
chü chih pai ch`ien pei shu
    chü chih pai chien pei shu
 kuchihyakusenbai shu
a trillionfold in number



see styles
kè zī ěr qiān fó dòng
    ke4 zi1 er3 qian1 fo2 dong4
k`o tzu erh ch`ien fo tung
    ko tzu erh chien fo tung
Kezil thousand-Buddha grotto in Baicheng 拜城, Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, Xinjiang



see styles
bā yì sì qiān wàn niàn
    ba1 yi4 si4 qian1 wan4 nian4
pa i ssu ch`ien wan nien
    pa i ssu chien wan nien
 hachiokushisenman nen
The myriads of "thoughts", or moments in a single day and night, each with its consequences of good and evil; probably 8,400,000,000 is meant.



see styles
bā wàn sì qiān fǎ yùn
    ba1 wan4 si4 qian1 fa3 yun4
pa wan ssu ch`ien fa yün
    pa wan ssu chien fa yün
 hachiman shisen hōun
eighty-four thousand teachings or lessons credited to the Buddha as a cure of all sufferings



see styles
bā wàn sì qiān fǎ mén
    ba1 wan4 si4 qian1 fa3 men2
pa wan ssu ch`ien fa men
    pa wan ssu chien fa men
 hachiman shisen no hōmon
the eighty-four thousand permutations of the [Buddhist] teaching



see styles
jù zú qiān wàn guāng xiàng
    ju4 zu2 qian1 wan4 guang1 xiang4
chü tsu ch`ien wan kuang hsiang
    chü tsu chien wan kuang hsiang
 Gusoku senman kōsō



see styles
qián pà láng hòu pà hǔ
    qian2 pa4 lang2 hou4 pa4 hu3
ch`ien p`a lang hou p`a hu
    chien pa lang hou pa hu
lit. to fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind (idiom); fig. to be full of needless fears; reds under the beds



see styles
shí fāng xiàn qián sēng wù
    shi2 fang1 xian4 qian2 seng1 wu4
shih fang hsien ch`ien seng wu
    shih fang hsien chien seng wu
 jippō genzen sōmotsu
eternally present monks implements in the ten directions


see styles
qiān èr bǎi wǔ shí rén
    qian1 er4 bai3 wu3 shi2 ren2
ch`ien erh pai wu shih jen
    chien erh pai wu shih jen
 sen nihyaku gojū nin
The 1,250, i.e. the immediate disciples of Buddha's disciples, all former heretics converted to Buddha's truth.


see styles
qiān èr bǎi yì gōng dé
    qian1 er4 bai3 yi4 gong1 de2
ch`ien erh pai i kung te
    chien erh pai i kung te
 sennihyaku i kudoku
The 1,200 merits of mind in the Lotus Sutra.


see styles
qiān èr bǎi ěr gōng dé
    qian1 er4 bai3 er3 gong1 de2
ch`ien erh pai erh kung te
    chien erh pai erh kung te
 sennihyaku ni kudoku
twelve hundred merits of the ear


see styles
qiān èr bǎi shé gōng dé
    qian1 er4 bai3 she2 gong1 de2
ch`ien erh pai she kung te
    chien erh pai she kung te
 sennihyaku zetsu kudoku
The 1,200 merits of tongue in the Lotus Sutra.



see styles
qiān dūn jí hé wǔ qì
    qian1 dun1 ji2 he2 wu3 qi4
ch`ien tun chi ho wu ch`i
    chien tun chi ho wu chi
kiloton weapon



see styles
qiān shǒu qiān yǎn guān yīn
    qian1 shou3 qian1 yan3 guan1 yin1
ch`ien shou ch`ien yen kuan yin
    chien shou chien yen kuan yin
 Senju sengen Kannn
Sahasrabhuja-sahasranetra. One of the six forms of Kuanyin with a thousand arms and a thousand eyes.



see styles
kā ěr bā qiān shān mài
    ka1 er3 ba1 qian1 shan1 mai4
k`a erh pa ch`ien shan mai
    ka erh pa chien shan mai
Carpathian Mountains, 1500-km mountain range in Central and Eastern Europe



see styles
sì yǐ jī qiān zhōng dú
    si4 yi3 ji1 qian1 zhong1 du2
ssu i chi ch`ien chung tu
    ssu i chi chien chung tu
tetraethyl lead poisoning



see styles
hūn qián cái chǎn gōng zhèng
    hun1 qian2 cai2 chan3 gong1 zheng4
hun ch`ien ts`ai ch`an kung cheng
    hun chien tsai chan kung cheng
prenuptial agreement; dowry contract



see styles
gōng jī xíng hé qián tǐng
    gong1 ji1 xing2 he2 qian2 ting3
kung chi hsing ho ch`ien t`ing
    kung chi hsing ho chien ting
nuclear-powered attack submarine


see styles
yǒu qíng bā shí qiān xíng
    you3 qing2 ba1 shi2 qian1 xing2
yu ch`ing pa shih ch`ien hsing
    yu ching pa shih chien hsing
 ujō hachijūsen gyō
eighty thousand kinds of behaviors of sentient beings



see styles
cì dì fāng xiàn zài qián
    ci4 di4 fang1 xian4 zai4 qian2
tz`u ti fang hsien tsai ch`ien
    tzu ti fang hsien tsai chien
 shidai hōgenzai zen
manifested in an orderly sequence



see styles
fǎ huā xuán yì shì qiān
    fa3 hua1 xuan2 yi4 shi4 qian1
fa hua hsüan i shih ch`ien
    fa hua hsüan i shih chien
 Hokke gengi shakusen
Explanation of the Profound Meaning of the Lotus



see styles
qiǎn tān zhǐ shì fú biāo
    qian3 tan1 zhi3 shi4 fu2 biao1
ch`ien t`an chih shih fu piao
    chien tan chih shih fu piao
bar buoy; buoy marking shallows or sandbar



see styles
wèi wǔ dǒu mǐ zhé yāo
    wei4 wu3 dou3 mi3 zhe2 yao1
wei wu tou mi che yao
(allusion to Tao Qian 陶潛|陶潜[Tao2 Qian2], who used this phrase when he resigned from government service rather than show subservience to a visiting inspector) to bow and scrape for five pecks of rice (that being a part of his salary as a local magistrate); (fig.) to compromise one's principles for the sake of a salary



see styles
wú liáng bǎi qiān wàn yì
    wu2 liang2 bai3 qian1 wan4 yi4
wu liang pai ch`ien wan i
    wu liang pai chien wan i
 muryō hyakusen mannoku
incalculable hundreds of thousands of myriads of millions of...



see styles
qiān dào bā dào xíng chéng
    qian1 dao4 ba1 dao4 xing2 cheng2
ch`ien tao pa tao hsing ch`eng
    chien tao pa tao hsing cheng
 kendō hachidō gyōjō
To advance on the city from all sides as in chess 波羅塞 prāsaka, i.e. to employ the omnipresent dharmas (sarvatraga) for salvation.



see styles
sà zhē ní qián zǐ jīng
    sa4 zhe1 ni2 qian2 zi3 jing1
sa che ni ch`ien tzu ching
    sa che ni chien tzu ching
 Satsusha Nikenshi kyō



see styles
zhū fó xiàn qián sān mèi
    zhu1 fo2 xian4 qian2 san1 mei4
chu fo hsien ch`ien san mei
    chu fo hsien chien san mei
 sho butsu genzen zanmai
samādhi of being in the presence of all buddhas



see styles
zú xià qiān fú lún xiàng
    zu2 xia4 qian1 fu2 lun2 xiang4
tsu hsia ch`ien fu lun hsiang
    tsu hsia chien fu lun hsiang
 sokuge senpukurin sō
thousand-spoked wheel marks on the bottom of his feet



see styles
zhuī xún xiàn dài zhōng guó
    zhui1 xun2 xian4 dai4 zhong1 guo2
chui hsün hsien tai chung kuo
In Search of Modern China by Jonathan D Spence 史景遷|史景迁[Shi3 Jing3 qian1]



see styles
qiǎn yǒu qíng jiǎ fǎ yuán
    qian3 you3 qing2 jia3 fa3 yuan2
ch`ien yu ch`ing chia fa yüan
    chien yu ching chia fa yüan
 ken ujō kehō en
to expel the cognition of the provisional dharma of sentient beings



see styles
qiǎn zhū fǎ jiǎ fǎ yuán
    qian3 zhu1 fa3 jia3 fa3 yuan2
ch`ien chu fa chia fa yüan
    chien chu fa chia fa yüan
 ken shohō kehō en
to expel cognition of the provisional appearance of all dharmas



see styles
chǒu huà shuō zài qián tou
    chou3 hua4 shuo1 zai4 qian2 tou5
ch`ou hua shuo tsai ch`ien t`ou
    chou hua shuo tsai chien tou
let's talk about the unpleasant things first; let's be frank



see styles
qiān huó zì yìn shuā jī
    qian1 huo2 zi4 yin4 shua1 ji1
ch`ien huo tzu yin shua chi
    chien huo tzu yin shua chi
lead typesetting machine



see styles
qián shì wàn è zhī yuán
    qian2 shi4 wan4 e4 zhi1 yuan2
ch`ien shih wan o chih yüan
    chien shih wan o chih yüan
Money is the root of all evil.



see styles
shuāng hòu qián bīng kāi jú
    shuang1 hou4 qian2 bing1 kai1 ju2
shuang hou ch`ien ping k`ai chü
    shuang hou chien ping kai chü
Double Queen Pawn Opening; Closed Game (chess); same as 封閉性開局|封闭性开局


see styles
yī shī zú chéng qiān gǔ hèn
    yi1 shi1 zu2 cheng2 qian1 gu3 hen4
i shih tsu ch`eng ch`ien ku hen
    i shih tsu cheng chien ku hen
a single slip may cause everlasting sorrow (idiom)



see styles
sān dū shuǐ zú zì zhì xiàn
    san1 du1 shui3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
san tu shui tsu tzu chih hsien
Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou


see styles
wǔ bǎi nián qián shì yī jiā
    wu3 bai3 nian2 qian2 shi4 yi1 jia1
wu pai nien ch`ien shih i chia
    wu pai nien chien shih i chia
five hundred years ago we were the same family (idiom) (said of persons with the same surname)



see styles
rén jiā qiān lǘ nǐ bá jué
    ren2 jia1 qian1 lu:2 ni3 ba2 jue2
jen chia ch`ien lü ni pa chüeh
    jen chia chien lü ni pa chüeh
see 別人牽驢你拔橛子|别人牵驴你拔橛子[bie2 ren5 qian1 lu:2 ni3 ba2 jue2 zi5]


see styles
jù zú bǎi qiān guāng chuáng fān
    ju4 zu2 bai3 qian1 guang1 chuang2 fan1
chü tsu pai ch`ien kuang ch`uang fan
    chü tsu pai chien kuang chuang fan
 Gusoku hyakusen kōtōhon



see styles
qián bù pí céng xià sǔn shāng
    qian2 bu4 pi2 ceng2 xia4 sun3 shang1
ch`ien pu p`i ts`eng hsia sun shang
    chien pu pi tseng hsia sun shang
anterior subcortical lesions



see styles
qiān yǎn qiān bì guān shì yīn
    qian1 yan3 qian1 bi4 guan1 shi4 yin1
ch`ien yen ch`ien pi kuan shih yin
    chien yen chien pi kuan shih yin
 Sengensenhi Kanseon
Sahasrabhuja-sahasranetra. One of the six forms of Kuanyin with a thousand arms and a thousand eyes. The image usually has forty arms, one eye in each hand; and forty multiplied by twenty-five is the number of regions in this universe. For the 二十八部 or retinue, the maṇḍala and signs v. 千手經.



see styles
qiān lǐ dá jí tuō bā gē
    qian1 li3 da2 ji2 tuo1 ba1 ge1
ch`ien li ta chi t`o pa ko
    chien li ta chi to pa ko
Trinidad and Tobago (Tw)



see styles
qiān lǐ dá hé duō bā gē
    qian1 li3 da2 he2 duo1 ba1 ge1
ch`ien li ta ho to pa ko
    chien li ta ho to pa ko
Trinidad and Tobago



see styles
qiān niǎo yuān guó jiā gōng mù
    qian1 niao3 yuan1 guo2 jia1 gong1 mu4
ch`ien niao yüan kuo chia kung mu
    chien niao yüan kuo chia kung mu
Chidori ga fuchi, national war cemetery in Tokyo; also called Tomb of the Unknown Soldier



see styles
chī yī qiàn , zhǎng yī zhì
    chi1 yi1 qian4 , zhang3 yi1 zhi4
ch`ih i ch`ien , chang i chih
    chih i chien , chang i chih
Fall into the moat and you'll be wiser next time (idiom); One only learns from one's mistakes.



see styles
dà bǐ qiū sān qiān wēi yí
    da4 bi3 qiu1 san1 qian1 wei1 yi2
ta pi ch`iu san ch`ien wei i
    ta pi chiu san chien wei i
 Daibiku sanzen igi
Three Thousand Regulations for Great Bhikṣus



see styles
hǎo hàn bù chī yǎn qián kuī
    hao3 han4 bu4 chi1 yan3 qian2 kui1
hao han pu ch`ih yen ch`ien k`uei
    hao han pu chih yen chien kuei
a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him (idiom)



see styles
shǒu hù dà qiān guó tǔ jīng
    shou3 hu4 da4 qian1 guo2 tu3 jing1
shou hu ta ch`ien kuo t`u ching
    shou hu ta chien kuo tu ching
 Shugo daisenkokudo kyō
Sūtra of the Great Thousand [Destructions, Defender of the Land]



see styles
chá hā ěr yòu yì qián qí
    cha2 ha1 er3 you4 yi4 qian2 qi2
ch`a ha erh yu i ch`ien ch`i
    cha ha erh yu i chien chi
Chahar Right Front banner or Caxar Baruun Garyn Ömnöd khoshuu in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia



see styles
tiě sā luó ní jiā qián shū
    tie3 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1 qian2 shu1
t`ieh sa lo ni chia ch`ien shu
    tieh sa lo ni chia chien shu
First epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians



see styles
kù mù tǔ lā qiān fó dòng
    ku4 mu4 tu3 la1 qian1 fo2 dong4
k`u mu t`u la ch`ien fo tung
    ku mu tu la chien fo tung
Kumutula thousand-Buddha grotto in Kuqa, Xinjiang



see styles
yǒu bǎo hé bì rén qián kuā
    you3 bao3 he2 bi4 ren2 qian2 kua1
yu pao ho pi jen ch`ien k`ua
    yu pao ho pi jen chien kua
There is no need to boast about one's treasures. (idiom)



see styles
yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuī mò
    you3 qian2 neng2 shi3 gui3 tui1 mo4
yu ch`ien neng shih kuei t`ui mo
    yu chien neng shih kuei tui mo
lit. with money, you can get a devil to turn a millstone (idiom); fig. with money, you can get anything done; money talks


see styles
bó kè lǐ kè qiān fó dòng
    bo2 ke4 li3 ke4 qian1 fo2 dong4
po k`o li k`o ch`ien fo tung
    po ko li ko chien fo tung
Paziklike thousand-Buddha grotto in the Turpan basin, Xinjiang



see styles
héng méi lěng duì qiān fū zhǐ
    heng2 mei2 leng3 dui4 qian1 fu1 zhi3
heng mei leng tui ch`ien fu chih
    heng mei leng tui chien fu chih
to face a thousand pointing fingers with a cool scowl (citation from Lu Xun); to treat with disdain; to defy



see styles
bǐ qiū sān qiān wēi yí jīng
    bi3 qiu1 san1 qian1 wei1 yi2 jing1
pi ch`iu san ch`ien wei i ching
    pi chiu san chien wei i ching
 Biku sanzen igi kyō
Sūtra of the Three Thousand Regulations for Bhikṣus



see styles
shuǐ qiǎn yǎng bù zhù dà yú
    shui3 qian3 yang3 bu4 zhu4 da4 yu2
shui ch`ien yang pu chu ta yü
    shui chien yang pu chu ta yü
lit. shallow waters cannot harbor big fish (idiom); fig. ambitious, talented people cannot reach their full potential in a small organization



see styles
qīng fēng qiān gǔ yuè chán juān
    qing1 feng1 qian1 gu3 yue4 chan2 juan1
ch`ing feng ch`ien ku yüeh ch`an chüan
    ching feng chien ku yüeh chan chüan
 seifū sen kogetsu senken
pure habits of all are innumerable and have the gracefulness of the sliver of an old moon

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "chien" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary